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Drum and Bass-010-02.07

Drum and Bass 010: Dieser freundliche Sound beschreibt Kinder, die fröhlich über eine Sommerwiese laufen und Schmetterlinge fangen. Schnelle Breakbeats spornen zu Höchstleistungen an. Eine freundliche Melodie prägt den Charakter des kindlich-frechen Stückes. Zwischendurch hört man immer wieder Kinderlachen; fröhlich und aufbrausend. Ein Titel für die Untermalung fröhlicher Kindergeburtstage oder Discos für die Kleinsten.
length: 2 Minuten und 7 Sekunden beats per minute: 165 bpm
created by: Vortecs-GEMA-frei demo (reduced quality):

Please select a license, which you would like to purchase:



Background music for websites (podcasts, flash movies / games, Youtube, Second Life),
telephone queues, PA (restaurants, fairs, lifts, hotels)


Includes Basic, plus national advertising / TV / cinema, radio, computer games, disk duplication to 1000 pieces


Includes Advanced, additional international advertising / TV / film / cinema, radio, computer games,
disk duplication to 10,000 pieces

Please note that our licenses are not limited in time! You can use our titles as part of the license again and again indefinitely. The title may be filed with speakers or effects and are well cut.


Is your desired licensing model not included, then please contact us:
About our Contact, by email or by phone 01522-614 6182

Tags:  GEMA-freie Musik, GEMAfreie Musik, Musik GEMAfrei, Musik GEMA-frei, Drum and Bass GEMA-frei, Drum & Bass, Drum & Bass GEMAfrei, Drum and Bass, Breakbeat, GEMA-freie Musik Breakbeak, Gemafreie Musik Breakbeat, Breakbeat GEMAfrei, Breakbeat GEMA-frei, Jungle, GEMA-freie Musik Jungle, GEMAfreie Musik Jungle, Jungle GEMA-frei, Jungle GEMAfrei

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