"Audio plays"

The audio play (or audio drama, radio drama, radio play) is a fairly young art form that developed with the distribution of radios.

It literally represents a form of drama based on purely acoustic devices of storytelling (music, sounds, atmosphere, and dialogue). A separate form of art that developed during the formation of audio plays are some experimental pieces, forming a poetic oeuvre of all named elements. In traditional audio plays, music is subordinate to dialogues and sounds and appears mostly in the form of background music.

There are not many compositions produced exclusively for audio plays. It is far more common to make use of existing music which makes rights managed music an important issue in this genre. Every rights managed piece of music used in an audio play requires an individual license registration (in Germany with GEMA).

Gemafreie Welten offers a wide selection of music tracks for audio plays.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by telephone on 0049 (0) 331-9676730.

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