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100% Royalty-free

We give you the legal guarantee for all our sound files, which means that they are 100% Royalty-free and don't belong to any collecting society (such as GEMA, Suisa or AKM)!
All the sounds and sound effects in our online library are created by or on behalf of Gemafreie Welten and are entitled to be used without any restrictions for music tracks, in flash films, for telephone loops, on stage, for trade fairs, on DVDs or videos. The purchase of music from our archive gives you the exclusive rights for commercial or private use. All our music is Royalty-free, which means that there are no further costs involved.
You are not permitted to use, publish or provide the sound files offered on Gemafreie Welten for sample CDs, CD ROMs or in online archives. You are also not permitted to sell or offer our sounds and templates for downloading to any third party. You are therefore not allowed to upload the individual pieces of music purchased on this website to the Internet nor are you allowed to offer, forward or sell them or make them available to be downloaded via linking or framing them or parts of our website.

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