"Reproduction of music"

The reproduction of music originally refers to copying sound storage media. All reproduction rights are reserved to the creator. As all sales and reproduction activities are usually carried out by a music publisher or a record company, the reproduction rights are transferred from the creator to a collecting society (in Germany for example GEMA).
The creator gets his or her contractually agreed percentage of each copy sold, as well as the divided payout of the license fees (in Germany GEMA fees) via a specific distribution key.
Digital copying enabled the reproduction and distribution of music on the Internet (download) and caused a number of additional legal consequences and questions. Not every music download provider on the Internet owns the right of reproduction and therefore operates illegally.
At Gemafreie Welten, your music is purchased directly from the producer and depending on the purpose, you also receive the rights of use and the rights of reproduction, if applicable. No additional fees for collecting societies are incurred.

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